By engaging with partners across Indiana, STARTedUP is expanding our reach to impact more students and teachers.


An Innovation Workshop teaches students to view problems as opportunities by looking at the world through a lens of innovation and entrepreneurship - encouraging young people to think outside the box as they propose unique and creative solutions to real-world issues. Taking place during the school day, companies invite students and teachers onsite to respond to challenges and offer mentorship and feedback on student's business ideas or concepts.

$2,000 in seed funding awarded to student teams who participated in an innovation workshop and submitted a pitch.

287 students from across the state of Indiana attended in-person and corporate innovation workshops.

117 mentors and business leaders attended innovation workshops.

Partner Highlight: Innovation Workshop Sponsors

Thank you to the following organizations who have made it possible to host innovation workshops in Marion and Monroe County!

Six corporate workshops took place across the state, focusing on empowering students with an ‘opportunities are everywhere’ mindset.

15 schools attended and participated in innovation workshops throughout three regions of the state.

STARTedUP team members held 13 in-school workshops to help students begin thinking like an entrepreneur.

Partner Highlight: Innovation Workshop Sponsors

Thank you to the following organizations who have made it possible to host innovation workshops in Marion, Hamilton, and Lake County!


70 Indianapolis students came to the IMS suite to participate in Hack At the Track 5G – a motorsports-oriented innovation challenge by Verizon and CIESC.

560 business and ecosystem leaders networked and connected at a variety of STARTedUP events at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway during the month of May.

134 students came to the IMS suite during the month of May to experience mentorship and innovation challenges.

Partner Highlight: May Innovation Workshop

Thank you to our partners at Verizon and CIESC for hosting an innovation workshop centered around motorsports! With over seventy students in attendance, the teams at Verizon and CIESC shared creative insight and inspired students to dream big at Hack at the Track 5G.


$15.6 million scholarship dollars offered to Innovate WithIN participants during the 2022-2023 competition year.

STARTedUP partnered with 12 higher education institutions to offer scholarships and/or support for students who competed in Innovate WithIN.

Partner Highlight: Scholarship Partners

Thank you to the following organizations who offered scholarships to students participating and competing in Innovate WithIN!


During 2023, The STARTedUP Foundation focused much of our efforts on reaching students that are traditionally underserved or underrepresented, with a specific focus on rural areas and black and brown students. We developed strategic partnerships with organizations like G-Unity Foundation and Pacers Sports & Entertainment to better reach these target demographics, enhanced resources available for schools and students, and traveled around the state to share information about innovation and entrepreneurship with a wide variety of classrooms. These efforts led to a 28% increase in minority students who participated in 2022-2023 Innovate WithIN programming.

Innovate WithIN Student Demographic Data